Sign Up for Services
Please click the button below to sign up for service. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 573-221-8050.
There are certain circumstances that require a new customer to make a deposit.
Utility Deposit Information
Utility Deposit Fees:
There are certain circumstances that require a new customer to make a deposit. Follow the link to view our full deposit policy »
Utility deposits can be made in cash, check, or credit / debit card. Surety Bonds or Irrevocable Letter of Credit will also be accepted for utility deposit.
*All deposits must be paid in full prior to service connection. The deposit is security for final billing and cannot be applied to delinquent accounts in lieu of payment.
Connection Fees
Connection Fees are Required for:
- Water taps
- Sewer taps
- New electric construction
Please contact the business office for current rates at (573) 221-8050.
How Does the HBPW Read Your Meter?
Since 2005, HBPW has been using Automate Meter Reading (AMR) technology to obtain daily readings from both electric and water meters. From 2019-2022, newer technology, Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI), was implanted to bring more data into our Business Office. This AMI technology and data allows the HBPW Business Office to communicate with meters in near real-time to ensure meter reading accuracy. This technology allows our Business Office to obtain on-demand readings so that they can better troubleshoot customer excessive usage concerns and conduct voltage monitoring and interval readings for both water and electric meters. This newer technology has also lessened our need to physically visit each meter, each month. The HBPW will continue to embrace and utilize AMI-related technology and is committed to the continued enhancement and upgrade of the system.
If you have any questions concerning this technology, please contact the Business Office at (573) 221-8050 or visit the Contact Us page to submit an online request.