The Hannibal Board of Public Works (HBPW) will begin the annual flow testing of fire hydrants and water main flushing the first week of April 2015, and continue for approximately 6 months until complete.  Flow testing will take place from approximately 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday (except holidays).

The purpose for testing fire hydrants yearly is to obtain data on how much flow and pressure each hydrant can produce for fighting fires or flushing the water system, as well as to ensure that all fire hydrants are operational. 

Drinking water may become cloudy during the testing process.  Some HBPW customers have also experienced stained laundry while testing is being performed in their area.  If this occurs, please run your cold water in a bathtub for approximately ten (10) minutes.  If the cloudiness does not clear up, please call the HBPW dispatch at 573-221-0955 to notify us of the issue. 

August 24th – 28th

Hydrant Testing will continue in the areas of Paris Gravel Road, Highway MM, and Hannibal Regional Hopsital.  This will complete hydrant testing for 2015. 

August 17th – 21st

Hydrant Testing will be in the south sidea areas including Ely St to Fulton Ave and South Main to Terrace. 

August 10th – 14th

Hydrant Testing will be in the Warren Barrett and Ely Street areas this week.

August 3rd – 7th

Hydrant Testing moves to the areas of Bowling Ave, Market, Johnson, Owens, Vermont, Rinker, and Montana. Later in the week, testing will move from Church St to Colfax and South 3rd St to South 10th St.

July 27th – July 31st

Hydrant Testing will be in the areas of Market St, Gordon to Marion, Patchen St to Johnson St, and Vermont St to Owens Ave.

July 20th – 24th

Hydrant Testing will take place on Broadway to Center Street, Broadway to Grace Street, and from 8th Street to Hayden.  Thursday and Friday of this week, testing will move to the areas of Market Street to Levering, and Grand Ave to Hayden Street.

July 13th – 17th

Hydrant Testing will remain in the downtown area this week, continuing on Broadway, Center, Bird, and Hill Street. 

July 6th – 10th

Hydrant Flow testing will start again in the downtown area including 3rd St to 7th St, Broadway to Hill St, then moving to the area of 8th St to Grand Ave and Broadway to Rock St. 

June 29th – July 3rd

Hydrant Flow testing will not take place this week due to the holiday. 

June 22nd – 26th

Hydrant Flow testing will continue this week in the Oakwood area:  Hatch to Darr Street and Market to Tilden, along with Kenwood, 30th, and Bowling Avenue areas.  Later this week, we will move to Mark Twain Ave to Central Ave and 4th St to 7th St.

June 8th – 12th

Hydrant Flow testing will take place on Broadway towards Bird Street and North Section to St. Mary’s Ave, and continuing on Clinic Road to Paris Gravel, Westover, Industrial Loop, Orchard Avenue, and Market Street. 

June 1st – 5th

Hydrant Testing will occur in the areas of Deer Field, Huckleberry Heights, Starlite Ridge, Ruby, Hatch, Bellevue, and Hummingbird. 

May 26th – 29th

Hydrant testing will continue this week in the areas of Hwy 61 to Hwy MM, including Pioneer Trail east on Hwy MM to James Road.

May 18th – 22nd

Hydrant testing continues this week in the following areas:  North & South West Ely Road, Surrey Hills to Head Lane including Pioneer Trail, and Sac Ave to Head Lane including Coachlight Drive. 

May 11th – 15th

Hydrant testing will continue on Clover Road, Veterans Road, Indian Mounds are Lake Apollo areas. 

May 4th – 8th

Weather permitting, hydrant testing will continue on Holman Dr, and Munger Ln to Head Ln.  Later in the week, they will contiue on Stardust to the north side of Route W, which will include Quail Ridge. 

April 27th – May 1st

This week, hydrant testing will take place in the areas of Rackliffe to Marsh and McMAsters Ave to Central Ave. 

April 20th – 24th

This week, hydrant testing will take place in the areas of Grand and Paris Ave to Olive, North 5th Street to Grand Ave, then moving to Hawkins, Grace and Pleasant Street area. 

April 13th – 17th

This week, hydrant testing will take place in the areas of HLGU campus, HWY 168, Luther Manor, Oak Ridge Pond, and Woodland Trail subdivision towards the El Rancho subdivision. 

April 6th – 10th

This week, hydrant testing will take place starting at the Water Treatment Plant in Riverview Park and continue to Harrison Hill, Riverpoint Road, Palmyra Road, and Orchard Point.