Every year, the HBPW participates in several community outreach programs in the city of Hannibal.  At the HBPW, we believe that volunteering provides valuable community services, which allows for more resources to be allocated for local improvements.  As volunteers, we hope to strengthen our community through beautification efforts and by supporting our families and youth.

As a business, the HBPW believes that by volunteering, we can build camaraderie and teamwork among our employees and unite people from different backgrounds to work towards a common goal.  We are proud to invest in the city of Hannibal and the people who live here!

Listed below are the various community outreach programs the HBPW leads or participates in within the Hannibal community:


Public Utilities Week

The American Public Power Association (APPA) is the service organization for community and state-owned electric utilities.  Public Power Week is a national, annual event sponsored in conjunction with the APPA in Washington, D.C.

During the month of October, the HBPW, along with more than 2,000 other electric utilities nationwide, celebrate Public Power Week. Public Power Week is the one time of the year where these communities intentionally celebrate having the opportunity to provide their citizens electricity services on a not-for-profit basis.

Each year, the HBPW plans and implements a week-long community outreach event known as Public Utilities Week.  This week is a time to talk about the economic, social, and environmental contributions of public power, water, and wastewater.  Throughout the week there are a number of community service projects planned and designed to benefit the Hannibal community in addition to bringing an awareness around the impact of the HBPW on the city of Hannibal. If your local organization would like the HBPW to complete a community service project during Public Utilities week, please call (573) 221-8050 x6034.

Shown below are photos from this past year's Public Utilities Week:

*Matt Livesay, Ben Maple, and Paul Trenhaile complete stormwater stenciling around the city of Hannibal during Public Utilities Week 2023.

*Joe Darnell and Justin Carper work on repairing a ceiling damaged by fire at AVENUES during Public Utilities Week 2023.

School Electrical Safety Presentations

The HBPW strives to educate the public on electrical safety at an early age. Each winter, the HBPW partners with local elementary schools to present electrical safety presentations to 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students. These presentations educate students on electrical safety in and around their home by presenting several common situations that could cause damage or injury to themselves and others. Students will learn how electricity gets to their home, how to recognize dangers that may be overlooked throughout the house, and when it is necessary to call the HBPW for assistance.

Electrical safety presentations last approximately 45 minutes with plenty of time for a Q&A session. Each student also receives an interactive take-home booklet that features fun games and stories about electrical safety.

Please call (573) 221-8050 x6034 to schedule an electrical safety presentation for your school.

Shown below are photos from this past year's electrical safety presentations in Hannibal elementary schools:

*Journeyman Linemen, Ben Maple and Matt Livesay, at Eugene Field Elementary School after an electrical safety presentation.

*Journeyman Lineman, Ben Maple, talks to students about how to be safe around electricity in their own homes.

*Journeyman Lineman, Matt Livesay, discusses the hidden dangers of electricity.

Kids in Motion Summer Program

Every summer, the HBPW participates in Douglass Community Services' Kids in Motion program. This 8-week program is designed to help local students value hard work, their futures, and their communities. The HBPW enjoys educating the youth about their local utility through interactive, hands-on experiences within this program.

Featured below are photos from this past year's Kids in Motion Summer Program:


*Trey Gander, Sewer Crew, shows kids how crew members lift manholes to perform maintenance in our sewer system.


*Jared Stewart, Electric Line Superintendent, discusses how electric meters work.

Buddy Packs

Each year, in partnership with Douglass Community Services, our employees volunteer to put together meals (buddy packs) for local school aged children. These buddy packs ensure children do not go without a meal when they are not in school.

This past year, the HBPW was proud to provide several volunteers to assemble buddy packs during Public Utilities Week 2023:

*Matt Livesay helps put together Buddy Packs for Hannibal area youth during Public Utilities Week 2023.

Missouri Stream Team

Every fall, HBPW employees and other community members spend a whole day picking up and discarding trash found in our local streams as a part of Missouri Stream Team. This community effort helps keep our local streams clean so that our stormwater infrastructure operates properly and efficiently.

Featured below are HBPW employees who spent the first day of Public Utilities Week 2023 picking up a cart full of trash in Sodalis Park Trailhead:

*From left to right: Cindy Price, Todd Harsell, Cindy Creameans, and Logan Steinkamp.

Earth Day Cleanup

Every April, the HBPW sponsors a city-wide cleanup day known as Earth Day Cleanup. Each year, several community volunteers dedicate their Saturday morning to help pick up trash around the city of Hannibal including areas such as, Riverview Park, Huckleberry Park, Sodalis Park Trailhead, and the Hannibal Riverfront, just to name a few. The HBPW is proud to co-sponsor this annual event along with Hannibal Parks & Recreation and U.S. Cellular.

Pictured below is the group of community volunteers from this past year's Earth Day Cleanup:


*40+ volunteers showed up to help clean up around the city of Hannibal as a part of the 2024 Earth Day Cleanup.

Hannibal Area Blood Drive

Every year, the HBPW proudly sponsors the Hannibal area's June blood drive, held at the American Legion. The HBPW provides volunteers to help run the blood drive along with a light meal for all donors.


Toys for Tots Drive

The holiday season tends to highlight those in our community who are in the most need. That's why the HBPW holds a Toys for Tots drive every November. Collectively, our employees donate dozens of toys for youth in the Hannibal area. This drive has been a tradition for many years and is a popular way for our employees to give back to the community.